FAQ LIES: Dress Codes

by neat blue dog 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Speaking to the general public:

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Is there a dress code?
    No. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses try to dress modestly and respectfully.

    Meanwhile, speaking to members out of the other side of their mouth:

    The Governing Body has decided that sisters may choose to wear slacks...they should not be casual, but dignified, modest, and appropriate. When a sister has a part on the program, she should wear a skirt or a dress... In addition, brothers may choose not to wear a tie or a jacket when participating in the ministry and when attending Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions... When a brother has a part on the program, he should wear a tie and a jacket if that is the standard of dress in that land.
  • Touchofgrey

    Telling people how they should dress and groom themselves in public and in private is a abusive and controlling behaviour.

    Unfortunately we were manipulated to accept this as a normal and acceptable practice.

    Evidence of a high control group.

  • blondie

    Another case of speaking out of both sides of the mouth.Do You Ever Catch Yourself Talking Out of BOTH Sides of Your Mouth?

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Loaded application. Polyester suit was the normal go to. Locally the betterxdressed church goers are blacks who know respect for the occasion. The sister pants is even harder to assess. Last time in a store the women's suits were wrinked like just out uf a suitcase.

    I guess no tie will keep me off the stage. Or zoom it in pajamas. I have only 1 family tie to be c[ncerned about now then can fade.

    Beards are a running joke with poor grooming. Unusual hair color makes me wonder is she will ** or not.

  • Rivergang


    Right on the money!

  • Vidiot

    “Now, we’re not saying we have a dress code…

    …but we have a dress code.”

  • HereToLaugh

    “If the governing body tells us all to wear blue then we will all wear blue” -said by a super obedient witness

  • Longlivetherenegades

    Many problems of JW FAQS used to project a positive image on the outside and the policies and procedures used to control members inside.

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