With present troubles around the world highlighting the role of autocrats, can dubs truly believe they’re immune?
Take the study article 6 in the February issue of the Craptower. One paragraph that will be read and obeyed states:
We can strengthen our trust in the direction we receive from the elders by remembering that they pray for holy spirit when considering matters that affect the congregation. They also carefully consider relevant Bible principles and consult guidelines provided by Jehovah’s organization. Their heartfelt desire is to please Jehovah and to provide the best care possible for his people. These faithful men know that they are accountable to God for the way they handle their responsibilities.
So the justification for this autocracy (elders meetings) is:
1. They pray when making decisions. - only in a perfunctory way.
2. Carefully consult the Bible - you’re kidding!
3. Consult organisation “guidelines” (directives). - 100% they do this
The result of all this? Willing, obedient slaves to an organisation.
And isn’t that an autocracy?
Ozzie 🍷