I did Bill a favor the other day, by converting a flyer, from doc to PDF format, which is more universal, and can't get virus attachments like docs. I get an e-mail back from him thanking me for it. Then stating, that he is not mad at me, that if I wanted to work with silentlambs again, that I need to basically shutup, and not make any negative comments about them, and to stop posting private e-mails. Which I find quite ironic, considering the man has done exactly that. Then he went on to accuse me of hacking the silentlambs website, which I did not. You can't hack something that doesn't have security in the first place. I pointed this out, it wasn't taken care of. So basically I responded to what he said, he responds back telling me that this "Confirms" the basis we cannont use you for silentlambs work. I'm at a point, that I need to know, if he has spread any comments to any of you, about me. This is complete BS, and he seems to be running silentlambs like a congregation. I did something nice, a peace offering have you, and I get this diatribe in response, of complete falsehoods. I want to help people, but he is acting like an elder, and it's really starting to piss me off. What should I do?
Bill Bowen and Silentlambs
by Trauma_Hound 9 Replies latest jw friends
I would imagine that Bill needs to be rather paranoid about security; the WT is well known for moles and lying lawyers.
If you want to help him, he is calling the terms.
If not, don't.
I have read nothing about you from Bill Bowen.
Unfortunately, sometimes when we give a peace offering it is not accepted. Although I applaud the silentlambs cause, I don't always agree with the processes Bill goes through to get the end result. It is not my personal cause, nor do I wish to get involved at this time. Take heart in the fact that you have done what you can do and have peace that you cannot control another's actions. I know it's easier said than done, but since silentlambs is HIS cause, he can make any restrictions he wants. *shrugs* There are thousands of little lambs out there that could use your help with you being connected to Bill. I'm sure he's adult enough to appreciate any effort you make on your own without him. I know his primary concern is getting help for those victimized by the WTS...not where they get that help from.
Andi, I liked your very fair accounting here. I must agree with you.
My advice to Charlie, is let it go. Maybe it's a personality clash between two strong minded men. They can't always work together successfully.
Some regard Bill Bowen as a great man. Others see him as a good man, while others see him, merely, as a man.Mr. Bowen has advertised a problem within the organization that NEVER would have been addressed. But because he spoke out vehemently against it, the Society has had to respond. Bill Bowen is a former Presiding Overseer that sees things HIS way. He gets things done, HIS way, whether we think it's right or wrong. That's his business. From what I've seen in print on the net, he is very much one way in his thinking. He has done much good with his approach. He is not my cup of tea, in his style. But, my preferences are immaterial. If he wants to control people by saying that they must do such and such a thing to prove their loyalty to his Silentlambs group, he can do that. Whether you want to follow his dictates is only up to YOU.
Does his style and procedures hurt or help the cause for those who have suffered abuse?
While his methods may get him media exposure, it seems to me that it makes it a little easier for WTS lawyers to discredit him.
I applaud the fact that someone has taken a stand on the issue, but at the same time he has come across as being on some kind of power trip. Maybe I'm reading into his methods wrong but that's how it comes across to me. And this supposed power trip could actually hurt the cause in the long run. If the WTS lawyers can discredit him and make him look bad, then anytime anyone else steps up to take up the fight, the media will pay less attention.
I appreciate Andi's stance on this as being one of balance.
I fail to understand what Trauma is bitching about and why he insists on bring up every personal clash he has with Bill to this site. It is just another tantrum from the drama hound imo. Bill is pig headed sometimes. That being said a more timid man wouldn't have had the fortitude to do what he has done to this point.
Yes Bill has alientated some. Show me any successful activist movement where everyone is happy with the process.
Looking at Charlie's post:
I did Bill a favor the other day, I get an e-mail back from him thanking me for it. if I wanted to work with silentlambs again, that I need to basically shutup, and not make any negative comments about them, and to stop posting private e-mails. I did something nice, a peace offering have you, and I get this diatribe in response, of complete falsehoods. I want to help people, but he is acting like an elder, and it's really starting to piss me off. What should I do?
You did a favour. He said thank you. He said he would welcome you back but with the stipulation that you quit yer bellyaching at sites and taking personal issues to public boards. I don't see why that should upset you. Is he asking something that is impossible from you? So did you do that favor for Bill, for the Lambs? He did say thank you. Somehow I am left with the impression that no matter what Bill does you will find yet another reason to bitch about him here. Do your own thing. You don't have to be associated with Silent Lambs to accomplish good things for survivors of abuse. If you do 'favors' for Silentlambs in the future, know the lambs are grateful and ignore the bowen factor. Uzzah -
Then stating, that he is not mad at me, that if I wanted to work with silentlambs again, that I need to basically shutup, and not make any negative comments about them, and to stop posting private e-mails.
Yeah, it sounds extreme. But most places don't want negative things said about them. Because you have been in a public dispute with him, the requirements will be stricter.
I want to help people, but he is acting like an elder, and it's really starting to piss me off. What should I do?
SilentLambs is Bill's baby, and he gets to call the shots. If you feel comfortable with his conditions, help him out. If not, and I don't think you are comfortable, then don't.
XenaWarrior once made a comment advising that we should keep toxic people out of our lives. This is good advice that I have personally followed and benefited from. I don't know Bill, so I cannot comment about him personally. If your relationship with Bill is toxic, don't expend any more emotional energy on him. It will relieve a lot of stress and give you energy for other activities.
If you want to help victums of abuse, find another group you can enjoy helping, or start something on your own. Though I am sure you would prefer to help victums of WT abuse, you can get a lot of satisfaction and meaning from helping non-JW groups as well.
Your relationship with Bill is not healthy, and will not be anytime soon. I would move on.
I agree with Uzzah.
As you may remember Bill and I have not seen eye to eye on a number of issues. However, I think that bringing all this angst to the Board again is not going to help anybody, least of all those who truly need helping, the abused children caught in the WTS machine.
We all had our say in the past, let us just move on to a different landscape.
Best regards - HS