We had this plan of action with our kid's, if they asked us a question that we deemed they were to young to know about we would divert their attention, Oh, could you fetch mummy her cardi, I'm feeling abit cold, there's some sweets in my pocket, would you like one etc, you get the idea. Usually this would be enough & they would forget about what they had asked. When they wern't diverted & asked again we would provide an honest explanation suitable for their age. So my hubby goes off to pick up our 8 year old daughter, in the car on the way home she says.
"my friends older sister told me that daddies put there willies in mummies private parts, is that true?" my husband, tries to divert the conversation, but to no avail cause she asked him again. When he got home & told me I said,
"please tell me you didn't lie to her"
" No, I looked out the window & thought where the hell is my wife when I need her, then I said, Yes it is true however there is so much more to it than just the physical side that you will learn about when you are older"
" o.k. that is good, what did she say?"
"She said that is disgusting, & didn't speak to me the rest of the way home"
Poor man, You got any funny things your kids have said that have thrown you off kilter?