Elders and CO visit to your home ... Let's Be More CREATIVE !!!

by RubaDub 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RubaDub

    Come on people, there can be a lot more interesting ways of handling the Elder and CO visits to your home than stated in some other threads. I will give some here but want your input.

    For example:

    -- If the elders/CO want to visit, graciously offer them to come on your Family Worship night.

    -- Download an app on your phone of a talking snake that about every 10 minutes says "eat the fruit, eat the fruit"

    -- When they arrive, tell them that on Family Worship night you often do Bible Dramas as a family. Dress in a toga or wrap a bedsheet around you and tell them that this week you are studying the Biblical account of Adam and Eve. You are wearing the togas/sheets to appear modest with them in the room.

    -- Put your phone on the table and each time the snake talks, pass a bowl of fruit around the table, take a piece, and offer it to the elder/CO.

    Ahhhh ... how much fun the visits can be.

    Invite the elder to return the following week.

    Rub a Dub (more ideas on the way)

  • scratchme1010

    Love it. When they visited me to talk about my homosexual tendencies (their words; I don't tend to be homosexual, I ma homosexual), I put up such a show, pretending to be crying and in a crisis. Then I suddenly stopped, smiled and said, "nice try".

  • WTWizard

    Open your computer or device to this site:

    and watch them squirm. Warning: There is a very good chance of getting disfellowshipped for pulling this one, but that could be the last time the hounders ever call on your home.

  • FadeToBlack

    @RubaDub: I like how you think.... There is so much OT material that would make for interesting re-enactments during (the mythical) Family Worship night when the CO comes a calling.

  • RubaDub

    RubaDub: I like how you think.... There is so much OT material that would make for interesting re-enactments during (the mythical) Family Worship night when the CO comes a calling.

    FadeToBlack ...

    Yes, another one for Family Worship night could be the reenactment of Lot and his daughters.

    Have the wife dress as a young girl, the hair in little pigtails and some dimples from makeup.

    Get a jug of wine and have a few glasses of it before the elders/CO arrive. Then put it in the middle of the table.

    Then, have the wife jump on your lap and start screaming ... "stop that, you're raping me ... you're a pedophile"

    Then, look at the brothers, smile, and tell her, "shut up or you'll turn into a pillar of salt like your mother ... you make me horny."

    Laugh, and then ask the brothers what they think (if they have no response, do it again, and ask for your wife's sister).

    Rub a Dub

  • stuckinarut2

    Well, Lot was a man of faith right?

    How the society can even try and justify his actions is beyond belief!

  • carla

    Don't forget to have togas ready for them too! maybe a fake beard too just to make things authentic.

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