Hey! Where you beez at?
Maybe it's just me, but I havent seen my gurl around for a while. What's the dillio man? All my friends are taking off :( No bueno
by ApagaLaLuz 5 Replies latest jw friends
Hey! Where you beez at?
Maybe it's just me, but I havent seen my gurl around for a while. What's the dillio man? All my friends are taking off :( No bueno
I am still here Chev and still lurvin ya - so lets get our swerve on and celebrate !
Hey Chevy, Joanna, she's on the road with the Minnesota Wild.
No wonder they're doing so good .
I spoke with her last night, she's fine, cute as ever. No worries.
Yes yes...alive and...alive...
Been very hectic with school and work lately. I haven't had much time to eat or sleep let alone visit the board. Thanks for the concern tho Chevy...you're a doll!
Don't overdo the work JO, leave plenty of time foreplay...:)
For a second I thought m0nky3 had kidnapped you, you well know how he likes glamour already.
Joanna, your priorities are all messed! Busy with school and work? And I am sure you're missing meetings these days, aren't you?