Hey Guys,
An experience just came to my mind and was wondering if anyone else had experiences of bizarre restrictions...
Anyway, I was just publicly reproved and was on restriction so I wasn't allowed to comment. OK, fine...
Well, the congregation was having it's big Memorial cleaning day, but I decided to go out in field service. I was allowed to do that.
So I go out in FS and decide to make a return visit to my Bible Study and his family and invite them.
I tell them about the big cleaning and I get him and his wife and three children to all come down to the hall with me to help clean. I figure it's going to be a good witness to see all the hard working dubs.
I get there with all these "unbelievers" and we all start cleaning.
And then NO LIE, the elders pull me aside and tell me I have to LEAVE THE HALL CLEANING because I was under restriction.
I was like, YOU HAVE TO BE SH*TING ME?!?
I bring five unbelievers to the hall as a witness and you're going to kick me out??? And the family I brought were working side by side with me picking weeds and stuff at the hall.
So I left the family there to work and told them I had to go to work or something and just left.
At the time, I was starting to grow my hair out and it was already way past the "legal" over the ears mark. I guess they got upset at me.
Anyone else have any bizzare restriction stories???