Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide (cp-E)
by wifibandit 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks wifibandit for opening my eyes even more because after I scanned thru this 32 page brochure it dawned on me... they labored on with this, yes labor on with 32 pages of information on how to give them money. But when it comes to how to help victims of child abuse, the elders get one, yes ONE paragraph in the Shepherding book on how to help them.
So, thank you again wifibandit. This site has always helped me with TTATT. Always helped me to see that Jehovah's Witnesses do not have the true religion after all. Jesus said, the truth shall set you free. And free I am.
Thanks Wifi.
So they're worried about losing their tax-exempt status (I suspect), and crank out a special publication regarding "charitable planning"...
...then redefine said "charitable planning" in the body of the publication as financial support of the WTS.
I swear, you couldn't make this shit up.
Thanks Wifi Bandit.. They never miss a trick when there is money about....
NB I do like the GDrive format, so easy to use