I feel good!

by be wise 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • be wise
    be wise

    Over the last few days I've felt a bit mixed up.

    I wrote my story for dansk's campaign and it brought a lot of my JW experience back again. I also talked to my parents about it last night, about everything I learned so it’s been quite a storm in my family’s WBTS little teacup.

    But today I feel great! I feel like a big weight’s been taken off my shoulders. I feel I’m going from strength to strength. No longer do these small-minded people have a serious impact on my life. And I look forward to the day when it disappears completely and I mean, completely.


    be wise.

  • Dansk
    I feel I’m going from strength to strength. No longer do these small-minded people have a serious impact on my life.

    Amen, Be wise! Well done - you've such a lot to look forward to!

    Best wishes,


  • Mystery

    I'm proud of you be wise.

    You have more strength than me.

  • Jesika

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • be wise
    be wise

    ...believe it or not I actually got through to my hardcore JW mother the other night. This was after my initial 'discussion' about it the other day.

    I told her I was researching russell. I showed her what I had found out later, the whole story and showed her the photgraphs of his burial site on the [satanic!] web. She knew a lot about the pyramid already but was surprised when I showed her his memorial, the real thing, cos it is quite shocking at first, a giant pyramid. She knew I was genuine because I found out that the symbol on the pyramid was actually christian not masonic and the reason why the masonic building was right next to it. So she knew I wasn't a crazy apostate because I told her the truth about it.

    I also told her how the apostate thing is a load of exagerated rubbish peddalled by the society. When I showed her the web site that rediculas view point of the society went straight out of the window cos she saw it for real, not just by hearding some bullshit slander coming from the KM or whatever. I said, a lot still believe in the bible and definately don't hate JW's. I said I know I'm not alone in the way I feel about them because I talk to people every day about it and they feel the same way.

    Well, she went away actually thinking, it was very weird, I have never seen her like that, it wasn't major but it was something, ecspecially for a hardcore JW. Now I'm doing the research I'm getting her to think and she tallks to me about it in a way she never did before.

    I don't think she'll ever leave but for me this is a result.

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