Fantastic new video by the lovely Susan Gaskin and friend Andrea discusses the huge variety of exjw opinions and why our supposed disunity is in reality our strength.
The Witnesses will claim we cannot agree and there are nothing but fights and a lack of harmony within our community whereas they are the most unified religion who believe the same things where ever you go. However Andrea points out that this is just an illusion, there is no unity amoung JWs. Their uniformity of views is based on fear, conformity is the norm because any dissent will get you booted out. Forvexample the sham of the kingdom hall show of hands - when anyone not voting with the BOE is promptly hauled in the back room.
"Theyre looking for ammunition not comprehension" - a great turn of phrase from Andrea, it should be the buzz phrase of anyone meeting with two or more elders.
We also need to remember that someone not agreeing with us is not a personal attack. We need to learn the art of debating because as Witnesses it's something we never do.
And Susan is happy we are now making our voices heard and whilst it's true that not all of us like the "Hall crashes" or "cart crashers", some of them have been incredibly powerful. The whole history of the JW religion began with "Picketing",picketing the churches "Religion is a snare and a racket"! Now the tables are turned and we picket them!!
Let's keep being different to each other...we're allowed to disagree and different styles of "activism"( hate that word) will awaken different people, or even people in different cults as Leah Rimmini has demonstrated. Long live exjw disunity! I've put this post in friends, Coz I'm sure that's where it belongs.