Need your advice, please

by berylblue 8 Replies latest social family

  • berylblue


    I would really like your input on something which is causing me a great deal of pain (and costing me a lot of money as well).

    My brother is a very strange person. Well, the entire family is. However, my brother is especially negative and suffers from bad depression. On the other hand, he can be extremely witty and is very handsome and intelligent. My father abused us all, but this is the kind of thing that he used to say to John: "I never wanted any goddam sons". Etc. (We girls, on the other hands, were all whores.) Oh, btw, we were not Witnesses.

    As a reaction, my mother babied him to death. He could never even do his own homework. She did it for him. And when she couldn't, she tried to get the rest of us to do it. I remember one night in particular, Mother was begging us to do John's school project for him. My older sister was very vocal in saying that she wouldn't do it, and why (all sound reasons). I of course, left the house so I wouldn't have to get involved. Anyway, Mother ended up in hysterical tears while she did John's geometry.

    Well, my mother died a few years later and John still could do nothing for himself. He got into drugs and in a lot of trouble; someone usually bailed him out. He' s never held a job for longer than a year. Sometimes the depression gets in the way; sometimes it's drug use.

    One of John's talents is to find great stuff. Anywhere and everywhere. If you saw something really cool in his apt., you'd ask where he found it, and he'd say, "The trash". Or "It was just lying in the street". So he started selling on Yahoo with my daughter. After four months she couldn't take it anymore. He was irresponsible and lazy. She did all the work, and he never held his end of the bargain.

    Fast forward to a few months ago. John asked me if I wanted to sell on ebay with him. I did not want to, but we all do things in our life we don't want to for someone we love. I was assured that he and my sister would take the pictures and do the mailing; all I would have to do is the listings and the customer emails. Anyway, one night I get a call from my sister Theresa (who, btw, is notorious for insulting my daughters and its her husband and my brother who cost me untold hundreds of dollars in the "corporate dumping fight" tm the day I moved. Yes, they helped me move but cost me most of my good clothes. Shes does not know this, however; I never told her the guard told me to get my family out or she'd call the police while half my stuff was still up in my apt.

    Anyway, she says I owe her a favor. A BIG one. For all she's done for me. Let me assure you, apart from the "corporate dumping fight" tm she's done nothing for me and never has, except a few times as a child. I turned to Tim when I got off the phone in tears, Theresa had said for me to get Tim (my domestic partner) to drive me 45 minutes down to John's house (both my sisters Theresa and Marianne live within three minutes of my brother) and take some photos. He said he'd be happy to help (I had known him all of 7 weeks by this point in time - yes , I did move in with him very quickly but it just seemed the best thing to do and anyway, I was suicidal living with my abusive father. ) and we went down to take photos. Tim cropped them; I listed everything. Immediately I got complaints from my brother that he didn't like what I did, there were too many mistakes (there were two). I wanted to respond that I told him up front that due to being ill, my thinking capacity was impaired; it if was not, I'd have a decent job paying enough to live off of instead of a crap job but I didn't tell him that - or anything . I usually say nothing so that I wont' say the wrong thing. When we finally sold things, he didn't mail them. Then when I'd try to get him to mail things (after refunding the buyer's money in full and still sending the items), he'd get really mad and my sisters would say I was picking on him. Oh, and theoretically, I'm supposed to get half of the money. Well, not only have I not taken any of the money I've made, I've spent $140 in ebay fees and refunding people's money. He doesn't know I do this.

    Anyway, the last time this happened, (and remember, I'm the one who has to write to the buyers and tell them we messed up) I emailed my sister to please find out if John had shipped something or not; the buyer was coming down on me hard. My sister FREAKS out at me. So I said "I will never bother you with this again"

    Yesterday, I found out that he once again, didn't mail something. It was three weeks ago. Oh, and BTW, Tim has continued to drive down there to take photos and all he gets for his trouble is my sisters asking "When can you get down to take more photos?" See, they don't want to have to help John anymore, they have helped him a lot (BTW, they have never helped me out of the problem's I've gotten myself into except once when I sold my guitar to get to work because my fther would n't give me the money and it cost $50 to get to work for the week and my guitar only sold for $25. I did get money then, but was told to pay it back IMMEDIATELY upon getting paid.) My brother owes me at least $2,000 and has lived with me for a few y ears in the past. On the other hand, I had to live in the ghetto with my abusive father and no one gave a damn. I know this sounds self-pitying but my life with my father was hell and it hurt me deeply that each and every one of my sisters had the room for me in their houses and did not ask me to live with them. On the other hand, John has lived with all but two of them. Sends a strong message about who is worthy of help and who is not.

    I didn't say anything to John, and I offered the buyer a full refund. I am sick to death of this but know I will get some nasty phone calls if I decide to stop. Theresa will probably start crying at me. And I do want to help John, but I don't want to continually bail him out. I do know what it's like to be so depressed you don't want to do anything; I've felt that way but the fact of the matter is I never stopped doing what I had to do .

    I don't know what to d o. I want to be fair, but I don't want to get more insulting phone calls from my sisters and nasty ones from him (he would send emails that were downright awful to me about how I never called - BTW that's not true. When I did, if he didn't want to talk, then forget about it.)
    Sorry to rant, I'm just so upset. Another $13 refund to a customer and I simply don't have the money

  • LyinEyes

    I have no advice to give really,,,,,, but in our family we have delt with this kind of thing, well there is no dealing with it really,,,,,,,,,just walking away.

    There is one family member who never takes the blame for mistakes, is always being covered over by other family members , never made to admit wrongdoing etc. It has taken a great toll, I am being kind of careful of my wording here, in case someone reads it, so i hope this makes sense.

    I just think sometimes the only way to keep you sanity is to walk away, to cut the ties if it is causing you so much grief. It isnt your fault the way your brothers and sisters are acting, and you can only take so much of their crap.

    I know with my own sister, i have been thru this,,,,,,, and as painful as it may be to not be around them when they are acting out, it really saves your sanity, and probably even more harsh words that may be said when it all blows up, and sooner or later it will.

    Stand you ground and dont let them run over you, you know you can only blame depression etc . so much , after that ,, if you dont stand up to them, they will just keep using you and using you.

    Just my 2 cents,,,,,,,, but I know you are in a bad situation right now, might not be able to just walk away,,,,,,,,but putting them further and further from you over time, even just until they see you are sick of them, might be the break you need.

  • JamesThomas

    Sometimes we think that other people are causing us pain by their asinine actions. When really what is happening is a natural warning system within us. Pain, physical and emotional, is a signal to either fix something or remove your hand from the fire. You can not fix your family, they are what they are. So I would go along with Dede on this one and say remove yourself from the fire. Be true and kind to yourself. JamesT

  • Dansk


    I just think sometimes the only way to keep you sanity is to walk away, to cut the ties if it is causing you so much grief. It isnt your fault the way your brothers and sisters are acting, and you can only take so much of their crap.

    Lyineyes is absolutely right - I just hope that you are now in a better state of mind to fully appreciate her comments. Putting it bluntly, you are no good to anyone having a breakdown and that's where I see this going if you carry on. Being kind is one thing, being taken advantage of is something else. I don't have to tell you which applies here!!

    You wanted advice. Walk away. Are you in a happy relationship with your guy? If so, great. Take hold of his hand and go and live your own life for a change. You can't be mother and sister to your siblings any longer. It's time they grew up and acted decent for a change. You're in a different league - it's not your fault that they can't attain it!



  • Shakita

    Hi beryl:

    I find that my advice given here is mostly ignored, but here goes...

    I think you should hang up the ebay thing with you brother. It isn't working and your brother doesn't sound responsible enough to handle it. Not everyone is cut out to be self-employed, which I guess you can call what your brother is. Responsibility is key to being self-employed.

    I have a sister and brother who also had trouble accepting responsibility in life. My brother had a hard time after high school and into his twenties accepting responsibility for his actions. He lived a wild life and seemed not to care too much about others. He finally realized that his life was going nowhere, and went back to school, and is now making good money and, more importantly, he is a great, caring person! My sister on the other hand has a life that reads like a soap opera. She has lived a life of dodging responsibility. She has ruined close relationships and her own health. If she doesn't do something soon, I doubt she will survive the live past age 50. I feel sorry for her, and have tried to support her in the past, but I have come to a point in my life where I have to realize that there are those people who seem almost bent on self destruction. You try to help these people, but at what point do you throw in the towel and accept that they will never change? Some people would say never, but I think that would depend on how strong the person is. I will always support my sister, but I have come to the conclusion that only a miracle at this point will save her.

    Sorry things have been so tough for you lately. Mr. Shakita and I send you our best.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • berylblue

    Thanks so much for all your sound advice. I am just having a hard time. I don't want to kill my brother's dream. In reality, he's doing it, but he will never see it that way.

    I think my solution is to take all the stuff up here and do all the mailing from here so I know it will go out. It's a lot of work, but I don't mind too much. I did tell him in May I plan to take a small cut. I at least want money for the ebay fees. I think that's only fair, and money for the shipping I do. (I do ship certain items.)

    Thanks again, everyone.


  • SheilaM

    Rosem: YOU aren't "killing" your brothers dream HE is doing that. If you continue to enable him you aren't ever going to feel better. Either realize this or things will never change. He will not one day be responsible, he will NEVER be grateful and you WILL NEVER BE EXCEPTED BY THEM I know I've been there done that and if you turned me inside out I am hideous from the scars (thank god they are internal) You can only help you and this isn't a productive thing. You are replacing your Mother who did your brother a great disservice. I NEVER did my kids work I told them that "I won't be going to work with you so if you want to learn you have to do it". Family can be a joy or they can be the one's to screw you up the most. Don't let them please sit and think with your head and not your emotions

  • nowisee

    dear rosemarie,

    it sounds to me as though you are being manipulated and used by your own (erroneous) feelings of guilt and worthlessness, and by family dynamics that were put in place a long time ago due to no fault of your own.

    it also seems to me that everyone has been enabling your brother to shirk his responsibilities and unfairly (understatement) use others.

    if there is a way to encourage your brother to see a doctor for treatment (antidepressants) then do that. but he must learn to stand on his own two feet and no one does him any service to allow him to go on this way. instead of you lifting him up, he drags you down and does that help anyone?

    as far as your sisters go, do you have an answering machine? stop answering your phone and take only the calls that are positive and productive.

    i know it all sounds harsh, but some things are just not in your control. do you know the serenity prayer?

    "god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference." there is great counsel in those words.

    my sincerest best wishes to you, nowisee

  • Mystery

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