Modern Day Biblical Humor
by Sigfrid Mallozzi 8 Replies latest social humour
Sigfrid Mallozzi
Later that night, the Faithful and Discreet Slave Bragging to the Master How They Made So Much Money.
A warning to all that serve an evil master.
Anyone readu Judges 21?. see a battle had be fought. The Benjamites annilated save 600 men. But.. since Jeblooper didn't respond to their offering the Israelite dicided to allow the 600 guys of Benjamin to wait...
So the men of Israel counted everyone and foud Jabesh-Gilead din't turn up at the 'Kingdom Hal'.
So the 'elde's went and killed all the men and women and children for being absent for the meeeting. Or wait... some women were found. 400 I think.
So wife problem sovled. Killtheir husbands and children for not being at the Kingdom Hall but...
Ok 200 girls short so...
The Isrealite say. Hey we have a congregation get together each year. Kidnapp the daughters of the elders and rape them then marry them! (Sabine women song from seven brides needs to be inserted here lol)
I know I am a bit thick however I do not understand the first 2 posts.? What`s going on there ?
Sigfrid Mallozzi
It's a spoof on the parable of the minas or the talents. Matthew 25: 14-30 and Luke 19:11-27. In both Matthew and Luke, a master puts his servants in charge of his goods while he is away on a trip. Upon his return, the master assesses the stewardship of his servants. The master evaluates them according to how faithful each was in making wise investments of his goods to obtain a profit. It is clear that the master sought some profit from the servants' oversight. A gain indicated faithfulness on the part of the servants. The master rewards his servants according to how each has handled his stewardship. He judges two servants as having been "faithful" and gives them a positive reward. To the single unfaithful servant, who "played it safe", a negative compensation is given. Two of the slaves given 5 or 10 talents of gold made 5 and 10 respectively for the master while he was away and we're then given double. Then the one slave given one talent of gold dug a hole and buried it. When the master came back everyone presented what they had made to the master. The foolish slave was "dismissed" thrown out for not producing anything.
I interjected the idea that the master throws a banquet to celebrate being back and the good slaves profitable work and the modern day slave class (Watchtowers self-proclaimed title)is bragging about selling Kingdom Halls.
Thank you Sigfrid .
Sigfrid Mallozzi
No worries Smiddy, Sometimes, my humor is out there with flashbacks and time travels.