Here's a list of statements made by a jw friend of mine to me over the course of several months. I'm not a pyscologist, but I saw them as a cry for help. The message seems pretty clear to me.
1." I wish I had never become a jw, but knowing what I know now, I can't leave." ( I assume she means knowing the "truth", or death.)
2." I long for the chance to have never known of them." ( the dubs)
3. Asking me more than once If I thought she was In a cult. ( I never answered, but she said she understands how It would seem that way.)
4. Refusing to admit that I will die at armegeddon.( said I would be ressurected, and she would have to convert me.)
5. Stating that, If she had any doubt, she would leave.
6. Telling me personal things that I know could get her disfellowed. ( even did something with me that could have gotten her In a heap of trouble.)
7. Tried to convert me, then gave up, calling me hopeless.( should I be offended or proud?)
8. Open to reading CofC. She seemed almost anxious to read It. Somehow the anxiousness turned to fear and she gave It back without reading It.
Of course, these statements were made when I was uneducated about the real truth, now I am a threat to her. No doubt she was spoken to about me. All of the above, It seems have been wiped clean from her memory.Maybe I misunderstood, but It seems to me that she really wanted out.It also seems that fear Is what keeps her In.We used to be very open about everything, now I'm basically being shunned.