It's because we don't need a hierarchy structure without this guilt trip. Now my sins for this week are .... no I'm telling you unless you promise to forgive me.
Have you ever wondered why the confession of sins is encouraged ?
by Chook 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Fear Obligation Guilt
The basis of all religions...including JWs
Sick bastards and perverts are the only ones who would encourage confessions of a person's personal doings.And even sicker bastards with filthy minds take perverted pleasure in hearing them.
The JW religion has seven of the former on the top and countless others among the minions in the hundred thousand odd congos.lower down.
Sick religion. Sick minds. Sick doings.
Doubtfully Yours
Me, confess to mere imperfect mortals as myself? Hell NO!!!😝
God can read minds and hearts, all knowing... No need for all that praying, confessing nonsense.
It's because we don't need a hierarchy structure without this guilt trip. Now my sins for this week are .... no I'm telling you unless you promise to forgive me.
I think that some elders get some morbid pleasure and sense of power over others by having people tell them in detail their intimate issues.
Keep in mind that many of those people have no professional training, no basic people skills, and frankly no business getting into other people's private matters.
Chook - "Have you ever wondered why the confession of sins is encouraged?"
Because, as much as they may want to, they still can't read your mind.