We need a Wikileaks style double agent at bethel to send in a board meeting of GB and of secret revelations which only the most holy get access to. There must be some IT guru at bethel who can act as double agent.
A call to arms
by Chook 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There must be some IT guru at bethel who can act as double agent.
There already is..
He`s an Enigma Wrapped in a Question Mark..
Even after 6 years of doing the Six Screens Radio Show,from WatchTower Headquarters..
No one at WatchTower Headquarters can find him..
No one knows his true identity
There are days when he doesn`t even know who he is!..
He`s Only Known As..
Yeah ,but is JOHNNY the BETHELITE ridgey didge , ? or is he just a wannabe Bethelite .or a Mike Meyers James bond type.wannabe.
Pardon my ignorance here.
There already are guys at various stages of the WT hierarchy who leak stuff to the XJW community.
How else do you think we find out everything way sooner than the rank-and-file? :smirk: