What happened about the United Nations

by Mandybp 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mandybp

    Didn't there used to be a belief about the United Nations being the King of the North or something? Do they still believe that?

  • DJ

    LOL, you did some sleeping at the kh didn't you?? Let me see.....the King of the North used to be USSR now, I think they are getting some slow new light on that one. The UN, well they are the beast even while they were NGO's. There ya go.

  • dmouse

    Daniel's Prophecy Book (1999), Pages 280-285:


    21. With the disbanding of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the king of the north suffered a serious setback. Who will be this king when Daniel 11:44, 45 is fulfilled? Will he be identified with one of the countries that were part of the former Soviet Union? Or will he change identity completely, as he has done a number of times before? Will the development of nuclear weapons by additional nations result in a new arms race and have a bearing on the identity of that king? Only time will provide answers to these questions. We are wise not to speculate . When the king of the north embarks on his final campaign, the fulfillment of prophecy will be clearly discerned by all who have Bible-based insight.—See “Kings in Daniel Chapter 11,” on page 284.

  • Mandybp

    LOL - nah it was just a long time ago and thankfully I've forgotton most of it :)

    Thanks for the info :)

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