The Watchtower should be scared of Hillary becoming President

by Coded Logic 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    In many countries around the world the realization of how reckless the JWs can be towards child endangerment and, more broadly, family safety, has started to take hold. The results from the preliminary findings of the Australian Royal Commission and the case being made in the United Kingdom - which may remove the Watchtowers tax exempt status - are both prime examples of this. Unfortunately, as the WT is headquartered in the United States any actions taken against the Society will ultimately be limited in scope for such outside countries.

    However, if Hillary Clinton should become President, I think there's a very good chance the WT could face serious and very far reaching legal action. Hillary has a lifelong history of fighting for child and family issues. Shortly after graduating from Yale Law School in 1973 she started work at the Children's Defense Fund. A few years later, in 1977, she co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families that - among many other things - gave legal aid to abused women and children.

    During this time Hillary also ran a Legal Aid Clinic which gave legal assistance to low income person. At one point she was forced by a judge, despite he objections, to defend a child abuser. In her book "Living History" she describes what a bad taste this left in her mouth and even described how she knows "polygraphs don't work because my client passed one." Shortly after the trial ended she was inspired to create the first rape crisis hotline in Arkansas (one of the first int he whole country). By 1977 President Carter appointed Hillary to chair the Legal Services Corporation - a federal program charged with expanding access to legal services.

    Long story short, Hillary Clinton has first hand experience helping families obtain legal assistance and direct involvement in helping women and children after being victims of rape. This, in itself, should give the WT pause. But I think there are two other equally concerning issues about Hillary the Society would have to worry about.

    The first one is Hillary's work in the private sector. She worked as a corporate lawyer at the Rose Law Firm (and even became a partner there). She knows how corporations work, how they hide things, spin things, and will do anything to protect themselves from legal ramifications. Should the JW child abuse scandal become an national issue, it is not likely Clinton would be duped by the false sincerity of the Governing Body.

    The other issue is Hillary's work to change laws to help protect victims. For example, she helped write - and get passed - the Safe Families Act. Also, at the Department of Justice, she helped create he Office on Violence Against Women. And even the very first scholarly article she wrote was "Children Under the Law" where she advocated that children should have rights under the law and shouldn't be considered "minors" but rather "child citizens".

    If Clinton becomes President there is no guarantee the cover ups of the Watchtower will make their way into the public consciousness. However, considering her life long fight for women and children rights, I think there's a very good chance she will - without even intending to - appoint a special prosecutor or some other legal board that will look into a broad category of child issues that will uncover the exact sort of behavior the WT has been engaged in (protecting abusers, not having best practices, no transfusions for children, etc.). Even more to the point, if the scandals do come to light here in the United States like they have in other countries, I can think of no person I'd rather have for President than someone with a proven track record like Hillary Clinton.

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  • Hecce
    I can think of no person I'd rather have for President than someone with a proven track record like Hillary Clinton.

    Don't forget this part of her experience

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  • Fisherman

    Seems to me that JW are not afraid of any human ruler or look to such for their survival.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Yeah they should be................I sure as hell am. And I thought the choices couldn't get worse than we had 4 years ago? . . . . Doc

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  • Magnum

    Hey Doc,

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  • Fisherman

    Yeah they should be

    Might be for those that worship their luggage. Historical burden of proof of the survival of jw does not show that.

  • Schnufti

    If Hillary becomes President, many JWs will be convinced that the Great Tribulation is about to begin. One of them sent me a link to a catholic news article where it was told that she wants to ban religion or so. (Of course, it's nowhere in the Internet, but ONE article is enough for them to proove the end is very near and to spread it amongst Whatsapp groups.)

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  • 2+2=5

    The Watchtower should be scared. Period.

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  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    Don't forget this part of her experience
    - Hecee

    I didn't:

    During this time Hillary also ran a Legal Aid Clinic which gave legal assistance to low income person. At one point she was forced by a judge, despite he objections, to defend a child abuser. In her book "Living History" she describes what a bad taste this left in her mouth and even described how she knows "polygraphs don't work because my client passed one." Shortly after the trial ended she was inspired to create the first rape crisis hotline in Arkansas (one of the first int he whole country).

  • LoveUniHateExams

    if Hillary Clinton should become President, I think there's a very good chance the WT could face serious and very far reaching legal action. Hillary has a lifelong history of fighting for child and family issues - good.

    The WT should be made to acknowledge its place and start cooperating re child abuse.


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