I think every one wants to be a " free- spirit", but what does that really mean?
I ask the question because :-
A) I decided I would not give the religiouse organisation I belonged to the power to force me to rebel within its organisation, when the " free-spirit" inside me no longer wanted to be controlled by this religion.
B) I now realise the " free-spirit" within me that demanded independence from W.T control has also come with great consequences, which has now made the price of my liberation seem shallow.
Anyway I am not well educated, but I do NOW appreciate the psychological and emotional consequences my actions have had on my family, and friends. This post is not looking for sympathy, and having done a full self- examination of my actions and in spite of everything, I am still actually relieved I followed my " free-spirit"
So why the thread?
Because I think if we look inward, and rational and if we try to live by our own standards and beliefs, we must still respect the boat with the failing engine of those navigated by false beliefs, So being a " free spirit" is great, but not if we expect a fantazy ending.
It is from the acceptance of powerlessness, that I now see individuals not on religious, physical, economic, social or intellectual truth, but as individuals. You can call me a fool, but this is my responce to my once having been held captive by Watchtower controlled thinking.
Or rather maybe I should say I have learnt all opinions and beliefs should be valued rather than petulant self assertion answers that "i am right" and "you are wrong" statements.
I say this because........
The Rebel.