I want to extend my greetings to all of you. I have been a member here for many years. It's been 15 years since my ex-wife and I resigned from the Watchtower organization. I am retired. My ex is semi-retired. In past decade and a half we were busy living life benignly, quietly, happily. We stopped meetings almost altogether about 30 years ago when the congregation started floating the gossip that our toddler child was the child from hell. Yes, our child was full of life, energy beyond normal perhaps. The congregation was sure we didn't know to how beat our child into submission. It was a conflict because we didn't agree with the membership. We got a professional properly credentionaled Dr. of Psychology to help us in our parenting rather than going through Quack JW practitioner's of "counseling" one's with janitorial services experience. The real doctor helped us to appreciate that our child would never sit still and pay attention to anything in normal sense. He said she would never respond positively to corporal punishments advocated by many Watchtower member's, by weaponizing the scriptures. The rest of this story is we raised our child with the help of "worldly secular" medical professionals. She became an excellent student in school up to and through college. She became degreed in the medical field and presently has a great job with benefits she loves, a spouse. She's a very happy well adjusted adult. Everyone that knows her, loves her! No, she's not from hell but, is a wonderful person to know. She's sits on the board of the local Homeless Shelter, advocates for children's rights and health concerns. She is a "mandatory reporter" because of the nature of her medical occupation. She has to report folks that exploit and abuse adults and children. She belongs to a church. She's a youth counselor in that church. It's unthinkable how things might have turned out for her if we had continued in the ways and direction of the Watchtower. I am certain she would have become another statistical catastrophic messed up teenager that bolted from the Watchtower in her teenage years, became ostrizised by us as her parents and the other cult members. Okay, the lesson here is we didn't stick around for the promise of a paradise on Earth that to date hasn't materialized. Meanwhile, the cult has kept moving the goalposts for such promised events. I am happy after many years of not thinking of frequently coming to this site for reasons of just moving forward with life in a postitive way. It kept us busy having a nice life outside of the Watchtower! Thanks to this site, reading Crises of Consciousness book, seeing good people here having experiences much like ours in the cult, helped us to get out and stay out! Thank you so much!
Four decades later....
by Thechickennest 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. The Watchtower wants all JW children to be and act the same, and it is just not going to happen. All of us when we were children had to go through different stages at different times.
Hope to hear more from you in the future.
Congratulations on your wonderful family success story.
I’m glad you left the JWs and are having a happy life outside...You averted another family tragedy. I’m grateful I wasn’t raised in this religion.. I’m glad you got professional help with your child and she grew into a happy successful adult.
Enjoy the upcoming Holiday season!
Thanks Petra, I appreciate your comment. I hit like too many times! I'm on mobile phone with minimal signal.
The Watchtower Corporation/JWs is full of ignorance, corruption, fear and because of that it isn't good for humanity.
The reality of the physical world in which we live and the knowledge of that is really the only thing that mankind has to work with for the benefit of are selves.
Mankind can no longer afford to look for spirits or gods for help.
I love success stories! Thank you for sharing that. It just goes to show, WT is an abusive and corrupt cult and you got out in time to save you and your family much harm. Great job!
We saw how the Elders started getting on to our teenage son. My husband went to one of the Elders who was trying to "guide" (berate) our son. He told him to back off and leave him alone. He was a great kid and is now a fine adult. We are proud of him!
I guess we dodged a bullet by getting our kids out!
I'm so glad you shared your story. Everyone loves a Happy Ending!
In retrospect, I know we were too "strict" on our little kids. NO WAY should a young child be expected to sit still for 2 f***ing hours of boring, dragass droning talks.
All are college graduates and doing excellent in life. None in jail. None with drug convictions or overdoses. None with unplanned pregnancies. They all left (at least mentally) before we did. All this from a family that was literally told they had the "worst children in the Congregation". To that I say: