The Watchtower Society Wants Money, Money And More Money!

by Golden4Altar 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden4Altar
    The Watchtower Society Wants Money, Money And More Money!

    The Watchtower Society has for some time now, secretly admired the harlotrous ways of her wicked counterpart, Christendom. Yes, the many advantages Christendom has gained over the years, adroitly avoiding any 'pains of life', persecution, or discomforts that are the result of maintaining a chaste and virtuous standing before Jehovah. Could it be that the Watchtower Society now wants the prestige, the opulent lifestyle, and the recognition that only the world can give? The Watchtower Society may want the world to accept them now, because she finally has what the world recognizes - money, wealth, and even fame. -- Please ponder Ezekiel Chapter 23. [Also, see link: Oholah & Oholibah ~ Wicked Prostitute Sisters! ]

    For more information on this subject please click this link: The Watchtower Society Wants Money, Money And More Money! - Jehovah's Truth


  • NotFormer

    I want to see GB members sharing a platform with Kenneth Copeland. My personal fantasy! 🤞

  • Golden4Altar

    A $1 million dollar chandelier hangs in the lobby of the Stanley Theatre [owned by Watchtower Society in early 1990s], while 50 congregations in Maputo City (Mozambique, Africa) struggle to build one single kingdom hall between them! -- See August 15th, 1992 Watchtower magazine pg. 24, paragraph #1.


  • ThomasMore

    No worries - they just sold the Queens Assembly Hall for $16 mil. There should be ample money foy those much needed Kingdom Halls in Mozambique. Let the good times roll!!!!!!

  • Golden4Altar

    This video is about 1 Timothy 6:10, the love of money...

    Here is the video:


  • WingCommander

    "Listen, Obey, and DONATE!"

  • Vidiot

    I would argue that they need it more than they want it.

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