Legal action against a science teacher with pictures of JC in his class.

by James Mixon 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Azusa Ca. The ACLU has threatened legal action against the Azusa School District over a high

    school science teacher's "regular endorsement of religion in the classroom. In addition to having

    a large picture of JC in the front of the room, he has Bible verses on the walls and regularly voices his doubts

    about evolutionary theory during class.

    Very strange fellow I may say.

    Pasadena Star news By Courtney Tompkins

  • Simon

    Sounds eminently unqualified and unsuitable for the job of teaching science, probably teaching anything other than religious ideology.

    Religion has no place in schools other than in history - learning how many people it's killed.

  • GrreatTeacher

    He might be more comfortable teaching at a Catholic school. They've got Jesus strung up on a cross in every classroom.

    Except, oops, even the Catholics teach evolutionary theory.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Superintendent Kaminski: Teachers , as appropriate for a particular class, may objectively

    discuss the influences of various religions, but instruction about religion "shall not promote or

    denigrate the beliefs of custom of any particular religion".

    Did he miss that in his job description....

  • LoveUniHateExams
    If he can't keep his religious beliefs to himself then he should go, no matter how well qualified or experienced his is.
  • JWdaughter

    That's not cool. I would think that he could simply state that he is teaching what is known about the science of biology and the conclusions drawn by men noted in science (who obviously progressed further in various specialties than he did), though his personal conclusions may not always coincide. However, knowing that our knowledge of science is always progressing, he is happy to keep on learning!

    Then teach the class what he is required to. Keeps him honest, but truly, if he has so many objections, he has no business teaching the class in a public school.

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