yb71 p. 97 Country Reports (Part One) - "In Malta there is a monk reputed to have the powers of a seer, in the confessional being able to know a person’s sins before they are even confessed. A woman in one of the villages was having family trouble, and made a journey to this confessor in the hope of getting some hidden information by the monk’s psychic powers. After being told of the problem, the monk said: “Don’t worry about it, my dear, the end of all things is very near!” Another woman in the same village, somewhat opposed to the truth, told this to her husband, who is having a Bible study. He said: “Well, you believe it now; but I have been telling you this for months and you wouldn’t believe it.” Her attitude has been markedly more favourable since then. No doubt the demons are well aware of what the near future holds for them."