Broadcasting June 2016
by wifibandit 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Herman Munster could do a much better program than this ding dong Governing Body(tm) helper!
Darn, my Kindle doesn't have an emoticon for barfing.
Schafer is a close 2nd to Lett in the "who is the most disturbing human being to watch in a JW video" category.
What is this crap about this month?
Hermann Munster - LOLOLOLOLOL!
He always reminded me of Dracula. Very creepy guy.
Really? Bella Lugosi is way cooler that this guy!
His morning worships always made me say ...
problemaddict 2
Interesting. Literacy classes are given. No doubt locally this is an underserved group of people. Its kind of brilliant to get people to come in and be indoctrinated.
I WISH it was Herman Munster.
Well, I had to skip through to the end...I just can't seem to listen to anything they say, but I did the segment with the scientists and evolution. And...the closing number "Dooooon't run fast..."
I hope there is some rebuttal here on the evolution segment that a non-science person like me can use.