Is this video about U.S. hospitals really true?

by The Fall Guy 9 Replies latest social current

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    The reason I ask is that I got a call from a friend last week who had to go to one of the biggest hospitals in Scotland because of an eye injury.

    He said there wasn't one other single person seeking medical attention when he walked in - only medical staff standing around with nothing to do. I was astounded, given the media reports.

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  • silentbuddha

    Well I keep hearing reports of how rural hospitals are in turmoil. Meanwhile I leave in rural rural rural North Carolina and the hospitals are empty.

    We have a total of 3 cases of carona in the county. All 8 neighboring counties are rural and have 1 to 5 cases.

    The big cities have more instances but they are not stressed as I have been told by friends in those areas.

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  • JimmyYoung

    I have seen a few videos of people sneaking into hospitals that are supposed to be over run and there is no one there or very few people. Not sure if there is any truth to it but we hear about the over run but I have not seen any thing to back it up. Something to keep an eye on.

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  • silentbuddha

    Not sure if I should even put family info out there but my wife family has a member in St. BARNABUS HOSPITAL in NJ in a Very high population area.

    The individual has their own room and stated that it is not as bad as he thought in regards to overcrowding. It is an epidemic, but I am guessing its being slightly exagerrated.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    Hospitals that are not in areas of "hot spots" are empty. Staff is being laid off or being kept "on duty" but doing little to nothing because all elective treatment has been cancelled. They are "waiting' on the epidemic to "kick in" there. If this "social distancing" works, hopefully they will continue to be bored.

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  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    I've was told last night that a large hospital - in a very populated part of England where 2 of my relatives work - is also empty.

    Are they deliberately being kept unoccupied, waiting for a predicted "flood" of virus victims?

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  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I was sent a link to a video of empty hospitals compared to news stories of crowded hospitals. So I did a bit of simple research and responded to the person who sent the video to me:

    A healthy dose of skepticism is a good thing. It's always good to check sources and read comments. I found it instructive. Though accurate information can come from people with personal faults, check out Didi Vanh's channel to see that her other videos raise questions about her grip on reality. Some titles:

    Is Covid19 a smokescreen for the coming fulfillment of the Hopi prophecy? (Atlas C19)

    Dead Birds compilation (5G ??)

    Cops Protecting 5G Installations @ Children's Schools!

    Ants circling phone during incoming call

    Corona and the microwave frequencies


    Workings of the Stars In Earthly Substances - L. Kolisko

    This is my favorite: 5G led weapon masked as a streetlight

    Flat Earth Convention 2019 @Amsterdam : January announcements

    PhD's Test Confirms No Curvature to the Earth

    Bumblebees defy gravity! They do not fly, they LEVITATE!

    I learned that street lamps are actually 5G weapons! Wouldn't you know it? And damn if I didn't miss last year's flat earth convention. I will never look at bumblebees the same way again.

    If you read the comments there are many sound reasons why these videos are specious. I don't trust all the media outlets, but I don't think you can challenge the number of bodies since they can be confirmed easily. The projected number of needed ventilators etc. are worse case scenarios and the footage of hospitals is not date stamped so who knows when they were taken. I won't defend the media but I won't question the health workers who are fighting this thing.

    I wish it was a conspiracy, then I wouldn't be as worried for my loved ones. Oh well. I'm just glad Didi took time off from her astrology and flat earth research to inform us. lol

    Whether this is real or not, I guess time will tell. But I just don't believe anything Didi has to say

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  • silentbuddha
    No conspiracy... there is a poor use of resources and critical personnel in many areas.
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  • bsmart

    Many states have directives that no elective surgery takes place. Hoping to save beds for virus patients. I called my dr's office yesterday and had a telephone consult. I bet there aren't too many patients in his office either.

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Local hospital went from 20 c19 yesterday or day before to 73 now. So they needed those empty beds

    This comes because i know someone inside


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