Afternoon y'all 1. First round is on me 2. 20% off restaurant ticket 3. You get to me my loverly wife Jill (aka xpi) See you then! Glen James
Portland OR XJW Meet-up May 3, 5pm at Portland Brewing - SIDE BENEFITS
by Deleted 7 Replies latest jw friends
So, may be its time I consider bringing my wife. See ya then.
Wonderful Deleted and Buster! I'm looking forward to meeting your lovely wives!
onacruse said he looks forward to the free drinks and the reduced bill, LOL oh yeah that and now I will have someone to talk to and he can mingle with 'da boys!
I hope Swan, songmistress and Lost Diamond show up too!
Say hello to John for me_ will you guys???Please -he will be there .He goes to Pa every year this will be his 25th year-no he is not a believer
I am LMAO!!! Check the date...
I am LMAO!!! Check the date...
he,hee gotcha eh Odrade!
Deleted used to post here and Craig and I have met him and his wife in fact it was at that very Meet Up. Nice couple, I've wondered what happened to them. Maybe by bttt this he'll reply? I hope so it would be nice to hear from him again.
yeah, I'm a dork. I heard from Deleted awhile back, he's still around, still at Portland Brewing too I think. Are you doing the McMennamins thing tonight? Hope to see ya...
Sorry we can't make it tonight, we have to pick up a friend at the Airport and the times just don't work out. We'll try for next month.