Watchtower sign was illegal
by jaydee 6 Replies latest social current
They were very proud that they could inform the public of the time and the temperature. -
Other wt time indicators were illegal too. Acts I :7 forbade them to enter the father's domain of pretending to know the times and seasons, in their publications, now broadcasts.
Deuteronomy makes it a capital offence to make predictions on God,s behalf that turn out to be duds.
The Fall Guy
Illegal for over 50 years - and no one in New York's administration said anything?
I'm beginning to suspect that the WTBTS has some influential political friendships.
Illegal for over 50 years - and no one in New York's administration said anything?
I'm beginning to suspect that the WTBTS has some influential political friendships.The. Kerfuffles!
If the sign was indeed put up before the WT bought it, then I can see how it could be grand-fathered in if the sign was originally legal.
I can also see the argument that the letters themselves are not part of the structure since they are just attached and not weight-bearing so as to be considered part of the structure. I would agree that changing the letters does not constitute a structural change.
Obviously if changes were made to the structure they would have had to go through the process of getting new permits which would not be approved today.
I guess with the WT gone to Warwick, it is a moot point now.
Rub a Dub
Me thinks that darn old end-times horse has bolted on this one. Trust the persistence of legal nitpickers.