What part of florida are you in? Will there be any get togethers around here soon? I just joined yesturday, so I wasn't sure. I'm about an hour north of Miami.
Florida posters
by smias03 5 Replies latest jw experiences
Umm, I technicality don't fit because I'm not moving there until July, but I know that they recently had a get together.
We just returned home last week from a pretty big get together in Panama City, in Northern Florida. They will likely have another one in October. There are lots of ex dubs in your area though, in Boca and in Ft. Lauderdale. Several in the Tampa area too. You aren't alone.
We live in Washington State but know several families in Florida, so had to go.
There are a lot in North Florida, as in Jacksonville, St Augustine, 95 at last count
wow Mann, you've got your own little congregation over there!!!
j2bf of the panhandle class
Hi Smias03 I am in Tampa. Do I get the prize? How about it?