I realize now my father I believe had " aspergers" " ( although not diagnosed)
Our parents are who they are, and I do not hate my mum & dad for being who they are, on the contary I appreciate how they love me in their own way. But growing up with strict witness parents and a father who I now believe has " asperges"" wasn't easy,
Anyway I am glad I am now loving my life, but the point I want to make is I love my wife and I love my son of 11, and I realize we each as individuals, have so many imperfections. Today I have realized my dad had many problems that " faked" my life up, but he is my dad and I am sure he is a nice guy,
The really important point I am trying to make is, that the relationship between parents and children can have great love and horrible pain, but I won't let my parents down and say I don't love them. It has just taken a lot of time for me to realize a dad may have problems with love that I never understood.
On a positive I have put my " Witness" upbringing behind me, I understand my parents inability to show love and I always tell my boy and wife I love them before we go to bed, and my boy still kisses me goodnight and says he loves me before he goes to sleep.
The Rebel.