It's my understanding that the GB took out the text about the adulterous woman at Mark 7:53 - 8:11, (This the all important verses where Jesus says the one with out sin cast the first stone. ) sighting that it wasn't found in the oldest text. Which text are they talking about, the Codex Sinaiticus? If so then why didn't they take out the parts in the gospels concerning the resurrection and assention of Jesus because that's not in the gospels either?
But wait there's evidence that this translation is a fraud, not only are there major transcribing mistakes but even the paper used looks more recent. Critics believe it was made in the 1600s . So if it was or is a fake then where is the Holy Spirit in telling the GB that they made a mistake by removing the text they removed from their bible? Oh GB the lengths you'll go to in order to be more and more like the Catholic Church. No salvation or forgiveness of sins unless you go through the organization.