That's the number for wallstreet's settlement for fleecing so many out of so much. Has it ever been that so few have screwed so many? I know a few characters might see the inside of a country club correction facility (for a little while) but it makes me . What is justice for distorying everything that someone works a lifetime for? Greed is soooo evil! White collar crime is not as "bad" as violent crime IMO. But it is not nessesarly less "evil." I think in some ways it is much more wicked. 1.4 billion is not enough punishment. Not nearly enough to put it behind the public. I hope that those who invest in the markets learn a very valuable lession from this. "Trust no one."
(BTW I did make money in the down market and did not loose anything so this is not a rant about my losses. It is a rant about injustice.)