Another whining, self-absorbed post from the forum expert...
I have gained a lot of weight since living with Tim. Now, I'm still within the weight and BMI "guidelines" for health, but barely. All told, I've gained about 15 pounds. I looked pretty good for an old lady when I started living here. Then I went on Remeron (anti-depressant) and that put a lot of weight on. I feel bad about myself as it is, and I know beauty is on the inside, and that self-confidence and a genuinely caring personality are much more important, but I can't stand being this way. I'm a petite girl, 5'1". It looks bad on me.
Naturally, almost none of the fat went to my breasts...
I am really watching what I eat, but to no avail. I was wondering if anyone knew a good diet to jump start my weight loss. I don't want to really low carb.
Tim says I look fine, but then he said that when I was much lighter. He did say he would not like it if I got unhealthily heavy. I feel I am approaching that.
Any help would be most appreciated.