October 2024 Study Watchtower snippets

by BoogerMan 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BoogerMan

    October 2024 Study Watchtower p.16 par.15 footnote - "In some cases, qualified men in their mid-to-late 20’s may be appointed as circuit overseers. However, such men must first gain experience serving as elders."

    (well, if JW's are dunking kids who still play with Fisher-Price toys & Lego, they'll be ready to become C.O.'s at 25!)

    Show Appreciation for “Gifts in Men” p.18 - 😄😄😄😄

    Eph. 4:8 - "Therefore it says, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.” (not 'in' men) [fn] * (ESV) * anthrōpos - a human being, whether male or female.

    1 Corinthians 13:8 - "...gifts...will be done away with...will cease;"

    How to Overcome Doubts p.25 par.3 - "One way that we can resolve our doubts is by turning to God’s Word to find answers to our questions." (not literature?)

    I had a doubt about the "slave's" claim that armageddon will be the final war, so I checked with the Bible.

    Yup, the Bible contradicts the "slave" (yet again) by saying there's a war after the 1000 years! (Rev.20:7,8)

    (w15 11/1 p. 8 - "Armageddon....in this final war")

  • ThomasMore

    WTC considers the Bible to be like a lump of clay, shaped to resemble any position that benefits them. Great examples Moogerman!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Clay is very malleable.

    The user can manipulate it to form anything you want it to.

    Its like people's minds in the Borg. Thats what is dangerous.

    Thats why they refer to "clay".


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