I understand that the word`holiday' has pagan conneotions,there4 should a jw take a holiday?
Should jws take holidays?
by badboy 9 Replies latest jw friends
Best go on vacation, then.
I think most of them gladly work on the holidays because pay is usually time and a half.
When my mom worked (she was never a JW) around Christmas time she said the Witnesses were sure in line to get their Christmas bonus check.
from IMANALIENTO logging on to hubby's ID
Witnesses take things to seriously. Everything has pagan roots according to some Christian scholers, you get sick of hearing about what is right and wrong.
If you were to lead your life the way that christian religious nuts would want you to, you wouldn't be leading a life at all. You would become a monk or a nun, pussyfooting around everything trying hard not to put a step out of line.
Hamas - you are so right.
Here's a few more things that have pagan roots that JW's don't seem to mind:
Wedding cakes, bridesmaids/groomsmen, wedding rings.
Here's one reasoning that just cracks me up now. JW's should not celebrate birthdays because (1) the only birthdays in the bible were mentioned when bad things happened, and (2) they should not be putting one day above another. So if they're not to put one day above another - how come they celebrate Anniversaries? Well - that's ok because God created the first marriage. Well - didn't he also create the first being - aka- it's birth? Yet you can't celebrate the anniversary of birth, but you can celebrate an anniversary of marriage - both created by God. Additionally, didn't the first marriage end up pretty badly? Well - applying the JW reasoning on birthdays to the issue of marriage - I'd say we should NOT be getting married.
Dawn, that proves my point nicely.
The jw prohibition of b-day celebration (or even acknowledgement) rests on very shaky ground, and they know it.
I guess 'vacation' instead of 'holiday' would be the safe alternative expression for a dub.
All jws should take holidays.
Holidays form service, holidays form meetings, holidays form assemblies. Well.... you get the drift.
Myself I've been on holidays form the jws since 1994.
Isn't "holiday" simply a contraction of the English words "holy day'? What's pagan about that in principle? I could see them saying that specific holidays are pagan in origin, but the Israelites had holy days that were by no means pagan, nor would they consider the Memorial to be pagan, though they certainly consider it a holy day.
I think the integral point found here is that Jehovah's Witnesses pride themselves on being no part of the world and possessing direct divine guidance which instructs them why not to participate in holidays because they are worldly in nature and thereby affiliated with Satan.
Nevertheless they do not mind profiting from such holidays by both accepting the day off or the day off with pay. Rather two-faced isn't it? In fact if you were to discuss this very matter with some Dubs, they would tell you why should they turn down the benefits... they are simply mooching off the worldly system. (I know this, I heard it at the Kingdom Hall when I still attended)
Just another demonstration of their hypocrisy and greed.
Yet another example of why the Jehovah's Witnesses DISGUST ME.