This elder was a kook he got me to hop freight trains. There was a MS who worked for the railroad and he gave this elder a print out of the time and engine #. So early one morning we hopped on the train. Took us on the other side of the mountains and we returned the same day. Found out this elder got DFed because he was a pedo.
What was the craziest elder that you ever meet?
by greenhornet 2 Replies latest watchtower scandals
GB member Fred Franz. Loved to meet Bethelites and discuss the scriptures after work every week...if they took their cloths off to meet him.... in the basement sauna.
GB member E. Chitty....loved to ask Bethelites to rub his back and bum with suntan oil on the roof of the Squib Building. Yep that cranks the weird meter of the chart!
Freddy wins this category by a long so many ways...