I tried posting this yesterday morning - but it seemed to hand on 'Queued for processing' - it's been 24 hours now and it hasn't appeared yet, so I'm posting again....
Wednesday's episode of BBC TV's long running daily late-lunch drama/soap 'Doctors' was centred on a JW-related 'blood' story - looking at the knock-on effect three years.
They don't mention JW, just God. They've also taken a number of liberties in order to make the story work (Sister giving out personal mobile number to man, making 'return visit' on man by herself etc. The time frame for the story is also really only a few hours) - but it's an interesting twist on the usual portrayal as it looks at the knock-on effect three years.
You can watch it in full on the BBC webste via ipayer for the next couple of weeks.
Wednesday 1 February 2017 - BBC One TV 1.45pm - Doctors: A Question of Faith
Without knowing it, a sister calls on a man on the three year anniversary of him losing his wife to leukaemia. He takes a magazine
He visits Doctors - asks for sedatives - but is refused - Doctor concerned regarding his drinking
Man returns home and phones up sister for her to come back and visit him straight-away.
He then drugs her drink of tea and reveals that he and his wife where JWs, but he lost his faith when his wife died due to the blood issue - he blames the sister for her death.
He kidnaps the sister and puts her in his basement - and says will only release her when she signs a piece of paper renoucing her faith.
He leaves her in the basement and goes back again to his wife's grave - his Doctor, who has been concerned with him, sees him there and chats with him - the man has been drinking liquor and seems to have taken some pills, but before passing out, gets his house keys out and tells Doctor to 'release her'