Disgraced elder jailed for 8 years for abusing girl

by LevelThePlayingField 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LevelThePlayingField


    A disgraced Jehovah's Witness elder has been jailed for eight years for sexually abusing a girl.

    Martyn Barron (55) pleaded guilty to four counts of sexually assaulting a child under 13, more than 10 years ago.

    The victim, now an adult, said the abuse had devastated her life.

    Leicester Crown Court was told Barron, of Walton Street,Belgrave, Leicester, sought to blame the child for his wrongdoing in a pre-sentence report.

    He has been disfellowed by his Jehovah's Witness community – where he formerly held a senior position as an elder figure, similar to that of a pastor.

    Read more: Jehovah's Witnesses face £1m legal bill after young girl was sexually abused by one of its members

    image: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/images/localworld/ugc-images/276308/binaries/LCC235235234.jpg

    Sentencing, Recorder Adrian Reynolds said: "How can a man who professes to have a belief in God have acted in the way you did?
    "The effect upon her has been devastating.

    "For a moments fleeting sexual pleasure, for you, there's a lifetime of sexual trauma for a victim who can't understand why someone should behave in such a way.

    "It was abuse by someone who was thoroughly respected within your religious community.

    "Although you pleaded guilty, the admissions you made were loaded with self-justification – and despite what your advocate has said, it's very telling in the pre-sentence report that you believe this was all her fault.

    "You're mired in the kind of self-justification that is the hallmark for dyed-in-the-wool paedophiles."

    Steven Taylor, prosecuting, said the victim was 10 or 11 when the defendant touched her intimately.

    The victim confided in someone years later and her parents then learnt about what had happened.

    When confronted about the abuse, the defendant admitted wrongdoing but claimed he thought she was nearer 15.

    Mr Taylor said: "He was interviewed by the police in August last year and acknowledged there had been a number of sexual incidents, then saying he thought the victim was about 13."

    Read more: Woman says it's a 'mystery' how indecent images ended up on phone

    The defendant tried suggesting to the police the youngster encouraged him which was not accepted by the complainant.
    Michael Garvey, mitigating, said Barron had no previous convictions.

    He said: "He'd been an elder for some time, helping people with their problems, trying to assist and listening – it was something that played upon him.

    "It was one of the factors that led him to behave in this way at other times."

    He said the defendant no longer stood by criticism of the victim in his pre-sentence report and accepted harm caused to her was inevitable.

    Mr Taylor said: "He's no longer entitled to play a full part within the church.

    "He gave up his engineering job as it would occasionally involve him going into schools and thought it would be impractical to explain his whereabouts to the police and explain the situation to his boss.

    "There are fewer people available for him to contact now or have any sort of relationship with in the future.

    "His wife has a disability and he was her carer; life will be much harder for her while he's incarcerated.

    "He's willing to cooperate with any rehabilitation."

    Barron was made the subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order banning unsupervised contact with under 16s and will remain on a sex offender register for life.

    Read more at http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/disgraced-jehovah-s-witness-elder-jailed-for-sexually-abusing-a-girl/story-29528336-detail/story.html#SVPdYw616u7U4IVa.99

  • BluesBrother

    That is two in recent times in the Leicester area.... When I spent some time there I got the feeling that things were just generally lax and lacking the "spirituality" as we called it,of my home area . I never suspected anything like this though ,in my naive dub days.

    Horrible crime... I hope this one sues as well . Hit 'em in the wallet !

  • ToesUp

    "When confronted about the abuse, the defendant admitted wrongdoing but claimed he thought she was nearer 15."

    15? Not sure about this area this perv is in but in the US under age is 17. What a complete pervert. A typical JW too. It is always someone else fault, not theirs. This guy needs to go to jail for being just a plain dumbas*, along with the crime he has committed.

    How many live have been ruined by these "spiritual" men? I feel horrible for the victim and her family. What a terrible ordeal.

  • freddo

    In the UK under 16 is illegal. And sometimes if there is a duty of care such as Teacher/Pupil etc then under 18 can have serious consequences.

  • ScenicViewer

    ...[he] sought to blame the child for his wrongdoing in a pre-sentence report.

    Recorder Adrian Reynolds said...

    Although you pleaded guilty, the admissions you made were loaded with self-justification – and despite what your advocate has said, it's very telling in the pre-sentence report that you believe this was all her fault.

    You're mired in the kind of self-justification that is the hallmark for dyed-in-the-wool paedophiles.

    Whether it's sexually molesting children or proclaiming to the public a false prophecy about the end of the world, JWs have a way of justifying what they do by blaming the victim or follower. It's how the Watchtower organization has taught them to rationalize.

  • sparky1

    It would be interesting to know how many people he voted to disfellowship while he was an Elder. The sick pig..........judging other people for banishment from the congregation while he was involved in the MOST HEINOUS crime of all. There are not enough adjectives to describe this type of human being. Appointed by Holy Spirit my ASS!

  • Wayward

    I sincerely hope this creep is VERY popular with the other prisoners, if you know what I mean.

  • blondie

    "His wife has a disability and he was her carer; life will be much harder for her while he's incarcerated."

    His wife is not df'd, so shouldn't the loving congregation come to her aid?! Probably not.

  • daringhart13

    But wait....wasn't he appointed by Holy Spirit????

  • freddo

    Like Blues said - this is two separate cases in the local area - one has been reported by the BBC last year. Anyway we can get this to the national press or BBC again?

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