Hi All,
What makes life different for humans than say dogs, or cows or whatever?
Isn't it just the brain that makes life discernible. You can still be alive and not know it if your brain is damaged. Maybe I should ask what makes consciousness? Is just material things like the brain that controlls our ability to think and have feelings or is there some spiritual force active in us?
I haven't seen or heard any real evidence of anything spiritual in this life. I think we are just like any other form of life, we live and die and that's about it. We would love to believe in something that could keep our consciousness going after our body dies but where is any evidence of this?
It seems the only thing we can do is look beyond to whatever caused all the material universe and hope that something is interested enough to hear our pleas for life after this one. If it wasn't in the plan I guess we are here for a spell and that's it.
That wouldn't really be so bad though, it's been a really good journey.
Ken P.