Dear Mr Jackson

by The Rebel 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    I live in a poor neighbourhood, but please could you come to my home and pray for my sick mum.( Simon aged 6)

    Luke 4:38 .And Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon, now Simons mother was suffering from a high fever. And did not Jesus mix with the drunks and the whores, and the hangers on? Did Jesus ever endorse we read books or magazines on how to be righteouse?

    Mr Jackson and the rest of the G.B talk about God, and EVERYTHING, and over 9 million people are currently DEDICATED with their life's to these men's NONCENCE. ( INCREDIBLE) These believers are living in a FANTAZY land.

    The Rebel

  • punkofnice

    Dear Simon 6,

    Thank you for you letter. I regret that I cannot come to pray for your Mum as you haven't given me any money. Also, if you are 6 years of age, don't tell anyone that an elder has been touching you up in a manner that seems wrong. In fact, on that subject, please send a picture of yourself to we, the Governing body. We like little boys.

    Please send us money and don't buy an ice-cream with it.

    Yours G.O.D his holiness pope Geoff.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Great post Punk, and you make great points. The really sad, pathetic thing though is most of the nine million don't even raise a shadow of doubt against the G.B.

    Anyway on the positive, I believe of the 9 million at least two and a half million have that doubt in their ears. That is why I have changed my thinking on simply walking away. I really believe the " resistance" movement is doing its sabotage. I believe each post I make is heard by " enemy" friendly ears.

    Any organisation that tells its members not to listern to foreign words has something to hide, and can't win. Our little posts are read, and we do talk, and Mr Jackson and his G.B members can't stop us talking. So who are we doing the talking on this site? We are made up of of Ex Jws from elders,and sisters to ministerial servants, and ex brothers, all united in helping you still in lurkers see that Mr Jackson is just a man, and that the JWs organistion is a cult.

    My personal story is I once belonged to this small group of people, I too was one deceived.

    The Rebel.

  • punkofnice

    Reb - Lurkers indeed need to understand what we are saying and why......not just switch off because some suits in Brooklyn tell them that they musn't listen.

    I like the illustration that if you went to buy a car from a garage and they told you that you weren't allowed to read anything critical about the car........this should ring big alarm bells. They're hiding something.

    This of course could be another advert for the book'Millions Now Living' which is available on Amazon as paperback or Kindle. It has intervirews with exJws, a JW and a non JW. It gives an idea of what life is really like for JWs.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Punk, I appreciate your post, but the truth is I have seen no trace of these " Millions living will never die". Do you think it possible these people vanished in to thin air? Sometimes I think I have seen these millions. When I look up in to the sky against the sun, then I see tiny silver wings fluttered high up to the heavens, millions of them, maybe more. Who can count them? Are these the millions who Charles T Russell, the founder of this crap was talking about would never die before Armageddon?

    Anyway his prediction is over 100 years late, and before the earthquake explodes I have smoked sausage and a bottle of wine to open.

    The Rebel.

  • punkofnice

    Dear, The Rebel.

    Be assured that I love you very much, but that is not my department.

    G. Jackson

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