"“Quiverfull” Cult Plans Arranged Marriage Camp For Teens:" by The Young Turks
Population and demography
According to journalist Kathryn Joyce, writing in the magazine The Nation:
"[T]he Quiverfull mission is rooted in faith, the unseen, its mandate to be
fruitful and multiply," even if it "has tangible results as well." Although
Joyce claims that "Population is a preoccupation for many Quiverfull believ-
ers... [and] [t]he motivations aren't always racist, but the subtext of 'race
suicide' is often there." Still, she asserts, "This is what Quiverfull is about:
faith, pure and simple." Others remark that Quiverfull resembles other world-
denying fundamentalist movements that grow through internal reproduction and
membership retention such as ultra-Orthodox Jews, Amish, and Laestadian Luther-
ans in Finland. Many are thriving as seculars and moderates have transitioned to below-replacement