Will you be participating in The Great Rite tonight?
by COMF 7 Replies latest jw friends
I think I will just go to observe and not partake...
Lisa the wiccan lights incense for our Beltane ritual. She's calming the wind before it blows out the candles. She had to do this three times... and each time, the wind calmed and the candles stayed lit (Twilight Zone music starts playing in the background). I played my bodhran and we danced around the altar. It's not easy, taking pictures while dancing and playing a bodhran. There was a wood nymph present. Ah, sweet, sweet pastorality. A satyr made an appearance as well (seeking to have his way with a wood nymph, no doubt). A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, a swing, and thou with me 'neath the new moon... We were joined by a genuine southern belle... ...a sultry temptress... ...a modern-day Jean d'Arc... (mercy) you KNOW this kind of stuff makes me weak in the knees. THE END! Hah! I doublt it. Inside the house, the roleplay intensified. Yee-hah! Happy spring to everyone, and may all your Beltanes be Bacchanalia. -
Thanks, Tom, glad you liked it! We had a blast. However, to correct a misconception I may have inadvertently given, I need to point out that the Great Rite is not pictured here. The great rite takes place after a couple of revelers pair off, "jump the flame" and run into the woods to be alone with each other. Being that there is no woods around my back yard where our revelry took place, our "great rite" took place in the bedroom.
Darn shame you guys missed out.
Looks like fun - Remind me next year.
COMF, looks like you and your lady-friend had a wonderful night. You have a beautiful woman there - take good care of her!
All this fuss about Beltane, COMF and his friend from the late (not-so-great) Tom Talley (may he RIP from this board), inspired me to look up some info on Beltane (also called May Day):
The Pagan Origins of May DayMayday was a rite of passage custom that marked an important seasonal transition in the year. Putting a maypole up involved taking a growing tree from the wood, and bringing it to the village to mark the oncoming season of the summer. Mayday used to be a period of great sexual licence. People would go off into the woods to collect their trees and green boughs, but once there, would enter into all sorts of temporary sexual liaisons which society did not normally accept.
Why isn't it like that now? It was tamed and redirected. In the seventeenth century, Mayday came under severe attack by the puritans who banned it by an act of Parliament in 1644. In Philip Stubbe's "Anatomy of Abuses", which was a puritan tract against all kinds of merrymaking, there is a section called 'Against May', where he actually tries to measure the degree of sexual licence. "Every parish town and village assemble themselve's together. Men and women and children, old and young and go off, some to the woods and groves, some to the hills and mountains, where they spend the night in pastimes. In the morning they return bringing with them birch-boughs and trees to deck their assemblies withal. I've heard it credibly reported by men of great gravity, credibility and reputation. That forty, three score, or a hundred youths, going to the woods over night. They have scarcely the third part of them, returned home again undefiled."
The Puritans also objected to May Day and other festivals, because of the way social hierarchy was set aside, so that all were commonly involved, from the highest to the lowest. The Puritans found this offensive much preferring strict gradations in society. May day did return with the restoration of Charles the second in 1660, but it didn't have the same robust force. It had the same old image, but the elements of sexual licence and social reversal went underground. Then in the nineteenth century, the Victorians overlayed a much more moral tone on the festival, emphasising its innocence. Instead of being a celebration of fertility, it turned into a kind of commemoration of Merri England. The girls taking part now wore white and held posies.
What has this cleaning up done to the image of May Day today? For the past sixty years folklorists have been rediscovering the Pagan fertility tradition, with it's myths, rites and sexual licence. Some say this has over shadowed the way in which May and other customs have been rooted in an economic way of life. May garlands, for example embodied the coming of summer, but they also embodied the knocking on doors around the parish and asking for money. At other times of the year begging would have been an offence. But if it was done at May time with a garland, or collecting money for the Guy, or wassailing at Christmas, it would have a powerful legitimation. Also the taking of the tree for the may pole highlighted the rights of the people to take wood freely for fuel. This confirms the extensive medieval rights to wood usage, including the taking of wood, both growing timber for building and repairs and dead wood for fuel. Why did the Labour Movement choose May Day as International Labour Day? It's more that May Day chose the Labour Movement. Unlike Easter, Whitsun or Christmas, May Day is the one festival of the year for which there is no significant church service. Because of this it has always been a strong secular festival, particularly among working people who in previous centuries would take the day off to celebrate it as a holiday, often clandestinely without the support of their employer. It was a popular custom, in the proper sense of the word - a people's day - so it was naturally identified with the Labour and socialist movements and by the twentieth century it was firmly rooted as part of the socialist calendar. It's only recently that the state has recognised May Day as a bank holiday for the first time since it had royal support back in the Elizabethan court, and there's been a big battle over this May Day which was seized upon by the Right as something foreign and left-wing. But this entirely misses the continuity of its roots in our cultural tradition.
This text was taken from a site created and maintained by [email protected]
Adapted from the BBC TV Series "About Time" by John Berger and others.http://www.planet.net.au/innovations/may96/mayday.html
Hey Comf,
Love your pictures!!! Looks like you had a great night.
Our coven's Beltane ritual was wonderful. We had a maypole - it was chaos with 30 people dancing around it!! Great though.
Blessed be.
Prisca - Thank you. It was a wonderful evening.
Sirona - Thank you. I'm sure it was a sight with that many dancing around the Maypole. I would love to see any pictures you may have of the ritual.
It's a pleasure to meet you both.