Looking back at this journey that my wife and I took this last year has been quite life changing. Who would have ever thought that two Watchtower drones would experience an awakening after child loss? We can finally move forward since coming out to our family that we will no longer be Jehovah's Witnesses. Yes, we lost our family and our (conditional) friends, but what we have gained is far more exceeding.
Last night at our Compassionate Friends meeting that meets monthly as a support for those who lost children, someone commented that for the first time my wife no longer has that look of stress on her face. She is bubbly and happy again. Even in our conversations she is much more positive now. We have found many new friends amongst our grief groups, and our non-Witness family has opened up their arms to us after being away for almost 20 years!! Personally I am finally at peace, no longer feeling stressed about Watchtower mumbo-jumbo. No longer angry over the loss of our children. I look at their loss as a gift, they gave up their lives to give us back ours. I will always honor them for the love they showed me. Every day is their day, and I will try to live as they would want us to live, free and happy.
We have even been invited by a same-sex married couple to their church. This place is open and accepting to all, and that's the kind of people I want to learn from and be more like. While I cannot ignore the flaws the Bible contains I'd hope to learn principles that can guide us if we ever get blessed with living children. My hope is that they too will share our love for life and treat others above themselves.
With this in mind I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this message board for putting up with my bs this last year. Thank you for all the good advice. Thank you for being there during a very dark time. You will always be on my heart and mind as we continue to move forward.
Cheers and good day!!