I have read some heart-rending accounts on this forum - and on reddit - of ex-JWs not finding out about the deaths of their JW family members - especially elderly fathers or mothers - until sometimes weeks after the deaths, if at all. And even then, they learn of the deaths via tersely communicated messages delivered probably due to a skerrick of remaining conscience by the JW-family spokesperson that the "decent" thing is to let the disfellowshipped individual know their own father or mother has died.
A whole range of painful issues are stirred up by that topic alone. But it has also raised in my mind other related issues:
For example, in countries where it is common practice to place obituary notices in local newspapers, do JWs include the names of ex-JWs, say, among the offspring of the deceased?
A further question concerns instances where the offspring of the JW-deceased is a JW in good-standing but their spouse is not (e.g., disfellowshipped for apostasy). Is that in-law left off the obituary?
Does JW organization have any "policies" on obituaries? Have questions like these ever been addressed in the Watchtower's Questions from Readers?
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who can refer me to relevant JW organization literature (if it exists) or who has had first-hand experience of any of the above scenarios.
Thank you in anticipation of your replies.