Watchtower tweaks "religion" out of Samaritan parable

by Wonderment 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wonderment

    The Watchtower writing staff often tweaks the application of a Scriptural lesson to their benefit. This can be seen in this recent article of theirs:

    What Does It Mean to Be a “Good Samaritan”?

    First, in their explanation of the parable, they do mention "religion" in the original setting (Bold letters below):

    Jesus told the story to a man who thought that only people of his own race and religion were his neighbors. Jesus wanted to teach the man an important lesson—that he needed to expand his concept of “neighbor” to include more than just his fellow Jews. (Luke 10:36, 37) This account was included in the Bible for the benefit of everyone who wants to please God.—2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

    But then, when they apply this parable to the modern setting, they make a slight adjustment in their explanation, like so:

    The story teaches that a good neighbor demonstrates compassion by action. He or she responds to the needs of a person who is suffering—regardless of that person’s background, race, or nationality. A genuine neighbor acts toward others as he would like to be treated himself.—Matthew 7:12.

    The WT left the word "religion" out in the application of the illustration. Coincidence? Hardly! It's like they would rather not have their followers be "compassionate by action" to members of another faith, that is, to expand the concept of “neighbor” to include other religious people.

    What's your take on this?

  • Diogenesister

    My take on that is that it's disgusting no. 1 and no.2 is how can witnesses be so foolish as to not understand the true message?

    I would have none of it. I always hated their attitude to charity and became a nurse so I could be of use to others (constantly feeling guilty for being paid for it, of course). I did, however, give to charity regardless.

    They also took out John 8 the woman who committed adultery being forgiven by Jesus.

  • waton

    In the parable of the sheep and the goats, they substitute real commandible charitable works for the least fortunate of humans --- with work for the watchtower leaders, and the corporation's propaganda.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Amen. The neighborly Samaritan was viewed literally as an apostate (which is never a term used in the Christian scriptures by the way). THAT'S what made the story so uncomfortable for the religious leaders.

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