Most of us were still floundering as we faded away, were disassociated or disfellowshipped. We were no doubt quite unhappy, unsettled, and felt like we "belonged nowhere". No matter how we got away from "the false" we still had to "really get away mentally and emotionally" if our purpose was to rejoin the world of human beings that exist in the here and now, in reality. What I mean by that, is that if we've been "out" for some time, our thought patterns, our concepts about life, etc., our hopes and dreams, should be taking on a new directive and dimension--evolving and changing as we grow.
When I first got out, I was so hurt to the core to realize that the "truth" was a lie, and I was so disillusioned about myself and my belief structure, that I couldn't even take my bible and open it and read without falling apart in tears. Thus, the bible (and I only had that one NWT bible left) literally was not opened for many years. I cringed when the subject of religion came up, and I had no wish to get involved in any type of organized belief system. I felt disconnected from reality and that my foundation had been ripped up and tossed away, and I didn't have too much strength left to fix it.
Gradually, as I struggled to heal myself, and learned to love and trust myself and others, I began thinking again about where I was in life, and what I really wanted to get out of this life, and what the future might hold. My spiritual needs were roused once again and I began to listen to the nudge. This was nearly three years ago now, and the first thing I did was to get that old bible out, wipe off the dust, and start comparing it with other translations. Gradually, what it proved to me, personally, is that the bible is "man made". My spirituality was going to have to rise above any type of stereotype teachings, or familiarities of the way the world in general looks upon religion. The more I read, the more I was enlightened. My whole vision of myself and my life came through, and I began to be happy for the first time in so many, many years. Real happiness. The deep down kind. I was connecting with something beautiful and it gave me security and peace.
We've all had our own private journey and I believe that could be very interesting to share. What changes have you made in your life since you are free?