Hi Everyone,
I have heard of one witness who was baptized at 13 getting their baptism nullified. Have any of you tried this and has it worked? I created a letter for my 19 year old son after the Elders of our old congregation kept harassing him, and want him to meet with the Judical Committee. Disfellowshipping or disassocation will affect his relationship with his Dad and younger brother who are both still active JW's. I myself am disfellowshipped, and have encouraged my son not to worry about it. I know he does though because he loves his Dad and brother. Will let you know of the WTS accepts this. I have heard of one other person doing this and it was successful.
I would cut and paste the letter here, but the site does not allow that. If any of you would like a copy of it just email me I will sent it to you. [email protected]