Evolution is a Fact #13 - Morris Minor Bonnets

by cofty 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Every Brit of a certain age can recognise a Morris Minor by the iconic shape of its bonnet.

    What most don't realise is that when Alec Issigonis designed the car in 1948 he had a last minute change of mind. He realised it looked too narrow. He cut the full-sized model in half lengthwise and experimented until settling on an additional 4 inches. However the factory had already built the tools for the bonnet body panel so a compromise was agreed. Issigonis added a narrow strip down the middle of the bonnet to achieve the desired width, resulting in the stylish detail that generations have admired ever since.

    Issigonis had to make do because of the cost of going back on an earlier design. Evolution has a similar problem. Every change must not only result in a workable design but in an improved design - otherwise natural selection will not favour it. The result is many examples of "Morris Minor bonnets" in the natural world, the best known of which is probably the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). It connects to our larynx and helps us to speak and swallow.

    At an early stage of embryonic development known as the pharyngula, comparisons can be seen between all vertebrates - we will return to this in a later post. The RLN can be seen in a fish embryo as the 4th branch of the vagus nerve running alongside the blood vessel of the sixth branchial arch. In adult fish it remains in that position connecting the brain to the gills. In the human embryo the sixth arch becomes a ligament connecting large blood vessels of the heart. Since he RLN is behind this arch it also has to move backwards taking a detour around the aorta.

    The result is a nerve that travels from the human brain down the neck into the chest, around the aorta and back up the neck to the larynx. An intelligent designer would have rerouted the nerve to follow a sensible path of just a few inches but this option was not available to evolution.

    If this seems strange, consider that all other vertebrates have the same restriction. Once the route was set in our fish ancestor untangling the wires has never been a possibility. In the giraffe the RLN has to take a 15 foot detour.

    The same arrangement must have existed in dinosaurs including the massive Supersaurus whose RLN took a detour of a stunning 92 feet.

    Issigonis went on to design the Mini in which he implemented many of the design ideas he was unable to include in the Morris Minor including the brilliant transverse engine. Meanwhile evolution has to make do with bodged modifications of old designs.

    Part 1 - Protein Functional RedundancyPart 2 - DNA Functional Redundancy
    Part 3 - ERVsPart 4 - Smelly Genes
    Part 5 - Vitamin CPart 6 - Human Chromosome 2
    Part 7 - Human Egg Yolk GenePart 8 - Jumping Genes
    Part 9 - Less Chewing More ThinkingPart 10 - Non-Coding DNA
    Part 11 - TiktaalikPart 12 - Lenski's E.coli Experiment
  • Simon

    Whenever I read something about the "ropey" design, erm, I mean 'evolved state', of our bodies I want to sit very still because it's a wonder any of it works. LOL

    I've seen a video (maybe with Richard Dawkins?) where they do an autopsy of a giraffe and show the feature you describe and how it makes the long detour instead of the few inches it could if it were "intelligently designed". If there is a god he does shoddy work or it was beer-day when he made the poor giraffe.

  • cofty

    Those documentaries of animal autopsies were amazing. Yes it was Dawkins who was invited to see the path of the RLN in the giraffe.

    Astonishing how it manages to pump blood all the way up to its brain!

    Can I get a "G" for use of illustrations?

  • Saintbertholdt

    When I use the odd cotton ear bud (I understand one shouldn't?) and I dig too deep in my ear, I start coughing.

    I understand I'm tickling my Vagus nerve. Weird.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Hey you saw James May the other night too. :D


    As a witless I hadnt heard of any of these things until I was waking up and doing research, odd that isnt it?

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