Well Jesus has handed the kingdom back to Jehovah and Satan and his demons are dead forever... peace on earth.. great... a million years go by...The human brain would not hold even 1000 years of memories accurately... indeed the former things would not be called to mind BUT..
2 billion years... Oh i's damn hot the sun is running out of hydrogen...
5 billion years Jehovah sit back laughing... we are all dead... unless we move away from earth... Not only is the sun a red giant but Andromeda has collided with the Milky Way and rendered our galaxy no longer a spiral galaxy.. navigation is impossible out there.
2 trillion years. Oh ... if we existed.. we would have no idea theven is a universe.. the expansion is so far that we can't see beyond our own galaxy ... the heaven declare Jehovah diminising glory.
100 trillion years... the galaxy is gone... stars are burning out... in fact atoms are destabilizing... Jehovah will need to remake us... likely in to Positronium.... Dark Energy is so powerful we can feel it... assuming we have bodies anymore...
100 to the 100 power years.... Black holes evaporate away,...We have an almost 0 energy universe .. well except for Dark Energy which is now so powerful matter cannot exists.
100 to the 200 power years... well there is no mater or energy except for the energy of the vacuum (quantum fluctuations) Dark Energy had literally torn this universe apart and assuming M theory... that it..
Jehovah and Jesus laugh hysterically.