Does the estate and finances of Elvis go to any impersonator who claimed to be the King of Rock n Roll?
For sentience in A.I. or
in determining gender?
INTENTION carries personal responsibility.
by Terry 3 Replies latest jw friends
A woman claiming to be the Grand Duchess Anastasia (only survivor of the Romanov dynasty)
fooled the world for many years until DNA evidence un-masked her personization. (Read article above)
My question: DID SHE BELIEVE HER OWN LIE? And if so: what difference does it / should it make?
You have brought up the Zen Koan of Joshu's Dog -
A student once asked Master Joshu "Does a dog have buddha nature?"
Joshu replied "Mu!"
"Mu" is the Chinese word for "nothing" ("no-thing"). This is the Zen Buddhist idea of The Void or Emptiness. This is also known as non-duality.
Students are to meditate on this koan asking themselves "Who am I?" All answers of identity are melted away. The only correct answer is "I do not know." Even then the question is asked, "Who is this 'I' that does not know?"
The fundament difference between so-called "Western" Philosophy and Eastern is
Aristotle's Law of Non-Contradiction. Logic is based on it. Rational thinking/logic/non-contradiction
is the First Principle of Scientific methodology along with Falsification.
I'm stating the obvious, of course, we all took Physics and many of us have read the Big Three (Socrates,
Plato, Aristotle).
The koans and Eastern philosophy got left behind as far as Science and Technology are concerned because
well - duh - you can't base a moon landing or Mars rover on contradiction.
This has nothing to do with the point truth-be-known has made (above). Still, an interesting thought
occurred to me: HUMOR is fundamentally an excellent exemplification of inherent human reaction to a contradiction: laughter. When things don't make sense we can't help but laugh.