So you've probably heard of the ethical dilemma question which is a thought-experiment where you imagine there is a runaway train-trolley, a junction with a lever that you can pull and two tracks - one with 5 workers on it and another with just 1, but no way to warn them.
All you can do is pull the lever, or not, thus allowing 5 people to die or through your direct action sacrificing 1 to save them.
What should you do?
This sort of thing may seem silly but it comes up in real life. Should a self-driving car for instance, faced with a certain collision, chose which pedestrians to run over? Or should it put preference on the vehicles occupants? Should it count people and aim for the smallest group or aim for the oldest?
Most people prefer to sacrifice the 1 person to save the 5. But if the wording is changed so that instead of you pulling the lever, you have to throw someone into the lever where they will be killed by the train, it seems less clear-cut even though the deaths are the same.
But I just love this kids solution: