" none of us has died yet "

by prologos 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos
    This phrase made me perk up my ear for a moment during this week's video demonstration. This "follow-up remark was to the "householder's" affirmation that we do not know what happens at death. Religions use scare tactics to keep members captive, so is this a hook wt introduces early? at the first cold h2h call? Can somebody analyze this?
  • Heartsafire
    It does appear to be a fear inducing way to grab the attention of a householder. People fear death and what might be an afterlife in Hell. As for being a "hook" I cannot confirm. I've missed too many meetings to know if this has been used in a KH presentation. However, I would put nothing past the creeps who write this stuff.
  • ttdtt
  • prologos
    HAT WAS SO STUPID! it sounds that way, but, wt teaches that there is no knowledge after death, yet their smart alecky statement implies that after death "we" would know, find out. So they are preparing for confusion later about the ever changing doctrines. reminds me of the sign I saw in FL. " Is there life after death?-- try to rob this place and find out!"

    Very stupid. It's too bad that people don't care enough about cults to be educated, or that learning about cults isn't mandatory in schools.

    An astute householder could have countered by saying, " You're right, none of us has died and come back to tell the tale. Therefore, we can't say what happens. We can, however, look at the original language of that bible passage in context. Then we can compare it to the New Testament scriptures regarding death. BTW, where does the phrase "Paradise Earth" occur in the Bible, and what does Hebrews 9:26, 27 mean? Why don't you research that and come back?"


  • stuckinarut2

    The reality is, EVERYONE who has ever lived, HAS died!

    Simple truth really.....


    Yep! There is ENORMOUS, OVERWHELMING evidence of a very literal meaning of Hebrews 9:26,27. It's a reality. Living on this Earth, forever, is a religious lie.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    My wife was struck by the stupidity of that statement.

    JW "reasoning" at it's finest.

  • prologos
    the tone was, well,-- have not died yet,-- but will--, in the meantime while you are dead bsw, you will know nothing. and according the splane- franz projections, it willbe 2075 before the overlap ends and the" no dying" starts.

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